Footprint Monster Thank-You Cards


I wanted to include my son in writing the thank-you cards for his first birthday party, so I thought it would be cute to make a “footprint monster” for the main design on the front of each card. I love footprint and handprint crafts! The cards turned out cute and were simple to make. Even though my son is too young to write his own thank-you notes, at least this was a fun way for him to participate and document how big his feet were at the time!


– White cardstock (one sheet makes two cards)

– Non-toxic ink pads (in the colors you want for the footprints)

– Black marker

– Cutting board – OR – ruler + scissors


  1. Cut the sheets of cardstock in half so you have 8.5”x5.5” sheets.
  2. Fold each 8.5”x5.5” sheet in half to make a card that is 4.25” by 5.5”.
  3. Place the bottom of your child’s foot on the ink pad and then press it in the center of the front of a card. Repeat this step for each card you are making.
  4. Use a black marker to draw eyes and a monster mouth onto each footprint. I used the large toe and the smallest toe for the two eyes and drew the mouth on the actual footprint.
  5. Use the black marker to write, “Thank You” on the front of the card.
  6. Write your thank-you note on the inside of the card.
  7. Distribute/mail the cards to their recipients.
  8. You may want to make an extra card to keep as a memento.

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