Diaper Box Indoor Cornhole Game
When I was trying to come up with some indoor activities for my kids this winter, I thought it would be cool to make them an indoor cornhole game. I decided to incorporate the game into my son’s birthday party by making it a monster-themed cornhole game. I thought diaper boxes would be perfect for the boards and I made the bean bags using felt stuffed with fiberfill. It is definitely not a regulation cornhole set, but the kids have fun with it!
– 2 diaper boxes (the wider the top of the box, the better)
– Spray paint (your choice of colors)
– Utility scissors/X-ACTO knife
– Duct tape
– Felt in your choice of colors (one piece of felt makes two bean bags)
– Tapestry needle
– Yarn to match felt color
– Hot glue gun/hot glue (if you are adding faces to your bean bags)
- Cut the bottom* of both diaper boxes off at a slight angle (if you make it too steep, the bean bags will slide down the board). They should now resemble cornhole boards. *I made the bottom the side of the box that was already opened.
- Trace a circle at the top of each cornhole board (I traced my roll of Duct tape). Cut out each circle to make a hole in each board. You may want to use Duct tape around the hole if it is rough around the edges after you cut it.
- Spray paint the diaper boxes and allow them to dry.
- Cut two 4.5-inch squares from felt for each bean bag you are making. In the standard cornhole game, both players/teams have four bean bags. Thus, you should have eight of the 4.5-inch squares in one color and eight of the 4.5-inch squares in the opposing color in order for both players/teams to have four bean bags.
- If you are adding monster faces (or any other decorations) to your bean bags, hot glue them to one side of one of the 4.5-inch squares for each bean bag. I made my monster faces using black and white felt.
- Use a tapestry needle and matching yarn color to stitch the bean bags together. Place the two 4.5-inch squares on top of each other so their edges match before you begin stitching. Make sure to keep your monster faces/decorative designs on the outside as you stitch around the bean bags. Make sure to stuff the bean bags with fiberfill before you finish stitching entirely around the squares. Secure your yarn once you have stuffed the bean bag and stitched around it completely.
- Once your diaper box cornhole boards have dried and you have stitched your bean bags, you are now ready to play! Watch as your kids have fun trying to toss the bean bags into the holes. They may not play by the traditional cornhole rules, but they will have fun nonetheless. You could even turn it into a math activity by having them add up their points. If you are not familiar with the rules of cornhole or how to keep score here is a link to the official rules as stated by the American Cornhole Association.
My one-year-old has the idea down! He knows to get the bean bag into the hole but just doesn’t have the concept of tossing it in from a distance yet 😉
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